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Childhood trauma and health

Wendy Angus

Research shows that people who have experienced childhood trauma have a higher risk of dying from diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Childhood trauma may include physical, emotional or sexual abuse, domestic violence or parental illness or substance abuse. It may be one discrete catastrophic event or a developmental trauma which results in a lack of atunement or attachment to a caregiver, often leading to a disaccociation with that caregiver - the child 'tunes out'.

In times of stress we go into 'fight or flight' mode - adrenalin is released and a number of physiological changes happen in our body to help us fight or run away. However, in todays world we often cannot do either, leaving us in either an aggressive or anxious state. Sometimes we get 'stuck' in this stressed state and need help to calm our adrenals down nervous system down. Often we are unaware that this is the case but just feel drained or exhausted.

The following quote from PTSD UK is very apt: 'Its not the person refusing to let go of the past, but the past refusing to let go of the person.'

Kinesiology can help with this, often by taking a client back to an earlier age and destressing the body. One client came to see me in her 40s for hormonal support and while testing her using kinesiology the first thing her body wanted to deal with was a catastrophic event trauma that had happended in her 20s which had now resolved, and she had thought dealt with, but her body was still stuck in flight or fight mode. Once we had done some emotional work and destressed her body we were then able to focus on hormonal support.

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